After about forty minutes of driving PJ said, "Too bad they don't have any people to go along with the square miles. You may have lots of land but I sure the hell don't see much else."
Thirty minutes later they came to one of the many hard pack sand roads that lead off into the back areas. They followed the road for about a quarter of a mile before they came to a small outcrop of vegetation and an old run down trailer.
A littler further back, a pier of wooden planks jutted out into a water inlet. A man in a wheelchair sat with a fishing pole. PJ and Sean got out and walked out on the pier. The two agents followed a few feet back.
"How's the fishing?" Sean asked.
"Same as always. Never catch a damn thing out here."
"So why fish?"
"Can't dance. Besides, I never use bait. If I used bait I might catch a fish, then I would have to haul it down to the trailer, clean the damn thing and cook it. Hell, frozen fish sticks are a lot less messy and taste better too. Of course a new pole would add a certain charm to the ritual," he answered.
"You're Ted Rafferity right?"
"You're Government, right?"
"What makes you say that?" Sean asked.
"Nice hair," he said indicating the two agents just behind them.
"You're the Ted Rafferity from Sniper School. We were wondering where you went to. JJ and Brownie send their regards."
"Cut the crap. They don't give a shit about me one way or the other. Say what's on your mind or beat it, I got fishin' to do."
"Ted, do you leave this place much?" PJ said.
"Sure, every night when I go dancin'. Hell no I don't leave here. What the hell would I do if I did?"
"I don't know. What everyone else does when they go into Jacksonville," Sean suggested.
"Do I look like I could do what everyone else does? I got most of my arm shot off and my left leg up to my ass. Look boys, I don't want to be rude, but tell me what ya want to know or get the hell off my property. Clear enough?"
"Ted, we think an ex-Marine, to be specific, ex-Marine Sniper, is knocking off some influential people. Our job is to stop it. We were tracking down every lead we can. You were a missing piece of the puzzle. We needed to find out where your head was. Simple as that really," PJ said.
"Well my sorry head and sorry body are both right here most of the time. I only go into town when my daughter comes and gets me. My ol' lady took off last year. Can't say I blame her much. What the hell could I give her in this condition?"
"Sorry to hear that Ted," PJ said seriously.
"Shit happens. I do follow the news, and I think you’re probably right. I saw three or four people get popped. You're right, it had to been someone really well trained. That Worth guy they took out. Hell of a shot. Through glass and all. Could be an ex-Marine Sniper. Could be from some other country as well. Whoever it is, they have military training otherwise you boys would have had his ass by now, right?"
"Maybe. All that shit they show on TV ain't real life. We still get them the old way. Lots of hours tracking down leads and eliminating possibilities."
"So, I'm a possibility? Great. It's been a long time since I was anything to anyone. Except my daughter. I'm still a pain in the ass to her," Ted said bitterly.
"Who does the VW bus belong to?" PJ asked.
"Oh hell, that ol' piece of shit? It don't even run any more. Had it converted when I first got back to the US but it hasn't done much since my wife left. Battery's dead I think."
"Well Ted, we have tracked down most of the top snipers according to JJ and Leon Brown, anyway. You and a couple of others were top on their list. You remember a guy named Giovanni DeRosso. Italian kid that was in country about the same time as you?"
"Hell, I would have had to been dead to have not known about The Wop. Everyone knew about him. Legend in his own mind. If half of what they said was true I don't know why they needed the rest of us over there. Should have just let him handle the whole thing," Ted said sarcastically.
"You ever work with him?"
"Na', not really. Saw him a couple of times. Talked to him one time at a firebase when we were both waiting to go out in the bush. Don't know shit about him really."
"Could he pull off this type of stuff? Time and time again and not leave many clues?"
"Sure. So could I if I wanted to. Maybe eight or ten of us in the world could pull off these kinds of shots. Hell, it's what we were trained to do. Is he the guy you're after?"
"Ted, were just like you, fishing with no bait. He is a good candidate until we can track him down and find out one way or the other."
"Just like I was, until you saw me, right?"
"Ted, I didn't do that to you, okay?" PJ said.
"The hell you didn't. Every shithead that's sleeps in a bed in this country did this. I was out putting my life on the line everyday so you shits could burn flags and talk about how bad the frickin' gooks were getting treated."
"Ted, I see your point. The country screwed over all Viet Nam vets and still look down on them. It sucks big time. Look we need to find DeRosso. You got any idea where that might be?"
"No. Not really. Like I said, we weren't exactly close. I think he told me he was from St. Louis. I remember talking about the Mekong and he said it wasn't shit. Something about it being a puddle compared to the Mississippi. Hell I don't know for sure, but that comes to mind."
“Alright Ted, we'll let you go back to your fishing. Here is my card. If you think of anything at all I would sure appreciate a call."
"Sure. Don't wait by the phone though. I told you all I know."
"Thanks for your time," JP said and they walked back to the car.
As they were walking back to the car one of the TV looking agents said, "He's got a chip on his shoulder. Big deal. Lots of guys went to war. No one said it was easy. The guy has no respect for himself."
"You ever been to war?" PJ asked evenly.
"Too late. Already over by the time I was old enough."
PJ just looked at him. He started to say something then let it drop.
Sean said to JP, "How comes you didn't tell Rafferity about your little visit to Nam? You were in the Ashua Valley, right?"
"That wouldn't have made one bit of difference to Ted. He is bitter. Still feels he is owed something. He got shit on by the country he was willing to die for. Only trouble was he didn't die. Not all at once. Now he dies a little bit every day. I was lucky, he wasn't. It's as simple as that. And agent skinhead, I've got news for you, until you have been there, you're in no position to judge Ted Rafferity,” PJ said.
Just as they were about to get in the car a Ford Explorer came to a grind stop. An attractive lady got out and looked them over.
"Can I help you?" she asked, looking out at the pier.
"We were just leaving. We were here to see Mr. Rafferity,” Sean said.
"Now what's he done?"
"Why do you ask?" PJ wanted to know.
"Well, you're Government. Pops got a bitter streak. Usually the two go hand in hand.
"How do you know were with the Government?"
"Nice haircuts," she said nodding towards the two agents.
"Actually, we were asking for his help. You’re his daughter, right?" Sean said.
"Yep. Look he is a good guy. Got dealt a shitty hand. Mom didn't help much, but basically he is a good guy. He's my dad, ya' know?"
"That's good for you. Really, we were just asking for some help. I think he needs to get into town more, it might help," Sean said.
"Oh, he gets into town more than he lets on. He says the VW is shot but someone is putting miles on it. I checked. Heck, he has the right. Something’s even his daughter doesn't need to know about."
"You’re probably right. Well, nice to meet you. You take good care of your pop. Seems like a good man to me," PJ said.
"Thanks. I like him. Let the hair grow fellows," she said as they drove away.
They sat in silence for a while. Finally Sean said, "Does the VW thing bo
ther you at all?"
"Sort of. Not really, yet it does tug at me a little. Why?"
"Well, he might not tell his daughter everything but then why lie to us? I don't care how much he goes into town unless........"
"I know, it's the unless that bothers me too. Look we're here. We don't have anything else hot right now. You want to take a look and see what our bitter friend is up to?" PJ asked.
"Let’s give it a day or so, unless something else shows up."
They decided to go back to the agency and get a second car for PJ and Sean. The two agents would switch off with them in twelve hours. They procured a car, had a quick bite to eat and headed back to Rafferty's place.
They had been driving about thirty minutes before PJ knew they were lost.
They drove on for another ten minutes before Sean finally said, "Say PJ, you do know where we are don't you? I haven't been paying too much attention, but it seems like we should be there soon."
"Sure I know where we are, why do you ask?"
"Oh nothing, I just know either Jimmy's Liquor Store is a really big chain, with lots of locations around here, or we have passed the same one four times in the past twenty minutes."
"You think were lost don't you? Just come out and say it."
"Cool it man. I was just asking."
"Well we're definitely not lost. I may not know exactly where we are at present, but we damn sure ain't lost."
"Sounds close to the same thing. You want to stop at this station up ahead?"
"Hey, if you got to pee, just say so, but don't expect me to go asking for directions. I know where we are."
"Fine. I'll pee. You get us a couple of candy bars and cokes for the watch tonight."
"I can do that, but I ain't askin' for no damn directions," PJ repeated assuredly.
In a few minutes Sean came back and got in the car.
"You get some goodies?"
"Yep, on the back seat,” PJ said.
"Say PJ, if you were to go back down this road about a mile and a half, you might find that turn off."
"Man, I know that. Hell I could of told you it was just down the road on the left."
"On the left is right."
"Screw you Sean," PJ said and took off sending sand flying.
They were just about to the turn when the VW appeared and headed towards them. PJ and Sean didn't look over but they were not sure Ted hadn't seen them. If he did, he was cool about it. They waited until they rounded a curve before they turned around and head after him.
They caught the VW in short order but stayed well back with several cars in between them. It was getting darker and the VW finally turned on its lights. It made following the van that much easier. It had a broken taillight lens.
They followed the van until it turned into a road side park. It was getting dark fast now. They stopped short of where the van pulled in.
Rafferity stayed in the van and within a few minutes a car pulled in just a few feet from where he was parked. A man got out of the car and walked over to the van. He talked to Rafferity through the window for a few minutes. He then pulled out a small cellular phone. He talked into it for a few seconds and handed the phone to Ted. In a couple of minutes he handed the phone back. The man returned to his car and left.
Rafferity remained in the van. Several minutes later a car pulled into the park and stopped behind the van. Two men got out, one was carrying a long tube. Sean and PJ could see the tube and estimated it to be about 12 inches in diameter and 48 inches long. 'Now what?', they wondered.
One of the guys took the tube to the van window and handed it through to Ted. They watched as he took off the top and looked in. He pulled the tube inside and in a few minutes he handed out what looked to be an envelope. The man took it, put it in his pocket and got back in the car. They took off immediately.
"What the hell is that all about?" PJ said as much to himself as to Sean.
"Beats the heck out of me. Think we should find out?"
"Hey, that's what we’re here for. To clear up mysteries. This is definitely a mystery."
They both took out their guns and got out of the car. They sprinted across the distance to the back of the van. Rafferity was setting behind the wheel just getting ready to start the VW.
PJ went for the driver's side and Sean to the passenger's window.
"Freeze Rafferity," PJ said sticking the barrel of the 9mm against his temple, "Do not move. Don't think. Don't even breathe until you’re told."
Rafferity froze but said, "What kind of bullshit is this? I thought you assholes left."
"And we thought you never came to the big city. Sean, check out the tube. If Rafferity moves, I'll splatter his brains all over the place."
Sean opened the van side door and looked in the tube.
"Shit. Shit. Shit."
"What? What in the hell are you shittin' about?"
"It's a rod alright, a damn fishing rod."
"What? What in the hell are you talking about?"
"Better come look."
PJ went around to the other side. On the ground was a fishing rod and reel.
"Great bust guys. You G-men are really something."
"Hey, up yours," was all PJ could think to say.
"What in the hell are you doing in town Rafferity? You told us you never left your place. So how comes your here?"
"Well hell fellows, it ain't a big secret. I usually come into town about once a week to get my pipes cleaned, you know what I mean? It ain't anyone’s business but mine. The pole? This dumb ass I know has been buggin' me to take a look at for a couple of months. I was going to come in to town anyway.
I decided to combine business with pleasure. So I spend twenty bucks for a blow job, what does that hurt, and what the hell does that have to do with the government? You guys put a tax on this I didn't know about."
"Funny Rafferity. Why don't you just can it?"
"Hey, I ain't the uptight ass here. You are."
"Your right," PJ said at last, shaking his head. Sorry about this shit."
"No big deal. No harm done. You fellers come on back out to my place tomorrow and I'll fry you up some of them fish sticks. Mighty good stuff."
"No thanks. I think we'll really be getting our butts out of here this time. See ya' around. You take care of yourself."
"Sure you don't want to come along to the next stop. Might save some of the evening for you?"
"Thanks but we'll just slink back to our car," PJ replied.
As they were walking back PJ said, "I can see the headlines now. Two Federal agents shoot man carrying a concealed fishing pole. I tell you Sean that would not look good on our resume."
"20L. Tomorrow."
Zane met Wells at the designated place and time.
"I have the list. Let’s go over it and select the most likely cities."
"Now many?"
"No more than three."
"Let see what you have," Zane said excitedly.
The list read:
January 18 Mayor's Conference - Atlanta, GA
January 20 Party Fund Raiser - Dallas, TX
January 24* Super Bowl - Tampa Bay, FL
February 6* NAACP Convention - Los Angeles, CA
February 21* UN General Assembly - New York, NY
February 26* NOW Convention - Louisville, KY
March 2 Welfare Reform Coalition - Houston, TX
March 18 Party Fund Raiser - Detroit, MI
March 26* Human Rights Conference - Chicago, IL
April 18* Governors’ Conference - Cincinnati, OH
April 29* Pro Am Party Golf Outing - Phoenix, AZ
May 19 Party Fund Raiser - Boston, MA
May 26* Indianapolis 500 - Indianapolis, IN
June 1 National Election Caucus - Miami, FL
June 9 Gay Rights Coalition - San Francisco, CA
June 22 Summit Accord - Malta
"Anything after May 30 is too late. So we can concentrate on the rest."
"What does the asterisk mean?" Zane asked.
“A confirmed date. The President will be at those functions."
"So we can eliminate a bunch right off the bat"
"Fortunately. My source did us a great service. We really only have eight to deal with."
"Alright let’s look at them one at a time. January 24th, the Super Bowl in Tampa.
"Far too confined. We may be able to get the shot off, but it would be hard to get away."
"That doesn't give me enough time either. It’s only a few days from now. To risky, we would need more time to set it up," Zane said.
"February 6th, NAACP Convention, Los Angeles. Comments?"
"Our Mr. Red did a job there last year. That has some pluses and minuses. Overall I'm not too keen on LA."
"I think you're right. February 26th, UN building. No way. The Assidi thing eliminated that in my opinion."
"Fair enough. The NOW Convention in Louisville?"
"Not bad. An easy city to get around in. I say, yes," Zane said.
"Good. I'll put it on the list of possible cities then. In March we have Chicago, the Human Rights Conference. What do you think?"
"Chicago? Not one of my favorite cities. Hard to get into and out of. Of course you could hide there for the rest of your life carrying the SILVER-2 around with you and no one would notice."
"I don't like Chicago much myself. Our last job I did before taking off to the Caymans was in Chicago. I don't have many fond memories from there. Almost got caught."
"Then leave it off the list. On to Cincinnati. April 18th."
"Not bad. Close to Louisville so I could check out both of them quickly. Cincinnati goes on the list with Louisville."
"Good. Pro Am Golf Outing in Phoenix?" Wells asked.
"Definitely. Lots of opportunities there. Open land, hills and too much area to be covered effectively. On the checkout list," Zane confirmed.
"Indianapolis in May?"
"What's that all about?" Zane wanted to know.
"Seems like he is going to be the honorary starter for the Indianapolis 500 race. First time a modern day era President has ever started the race. Maybe the first ever."