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  "Does anyone know why? What does that date have to do with anything?" one of the agents asked.

  "Good questions. We will have to get that information from the White House as well."

  The meeting broke up and the Director indicated he wanted to talk to Ron, Sean and PJ in private.

  "Why in hell did you let Tolbert go?" he asked PJ.

  "For several reasons. We didn't arrest him to read him his rights. I needed information and I needed it fast. Once the lawyers got involved it would take months before we got any useful information. If then."

  "What else? There has to be more than that."

  "He is bugged. We have a trace on him."

  "Ah. How in the world did you manage that?"

  "We're using a M-30 transmitter"

  "The under the skin implant."

  "Yep. He has one."


  "Well, he sort of fell and got a nasty cut. I had the doctor sew it in when he stitched him up."

  "Fell down," he said looking straight at Sean. Sean made a point of not making eye contact.

  "Slipped, actually."

  "You are something else PJ."

  "Why, thank you sir."

  "I didn't necessarily mean that as a compliment. What have you found out?"

  "After he left, under his own power, I might add, he went to the airport. He made one call. 359-5969. His message was," PJ said handing him a transcript.

  The Post. (Female voice)

  Classified Ads please. (Tolbert)

  One moment. (Female voice)

  Classifieds. (2nd Female voice)

  I would like to place an ad for the next available paper. (Tolbert)

  That would be tomorrow. I can just get you in under the wire. It's not a display ad, is it?" (2nd Female voice)

  No. (Tolbert)

  Go ahead. (2nd Female voice)

  Visited by old friends today. February is a difficult time to visit friends. April showers should bring May flowers. Gone fishing. (Tolbert)

  Let me read it back. I have, visited by old friends today, period. February is difficult time to visit friends, period. April showers should bring May flowers, period. Gone fishing, period. (2nd Female voice)

  That is correct. (Tolbert)

  How did you wish to pay for this? (2nd Female voice)

  Credit card. Visa. 331 1300 0013 6009. Expires 7/2016. Z. Tolbert. Security code 453 (Tolbert)

  Visa. 331 1300 0013 6009. 7/98. Z. Tolbert.

  Security code 453 (2nd Female voice)

  Correct. (Tolbert)

  Thank you Mr. Tolbert. Your ad will be in tomorrow’s paper. (2nd Female voice)

  No reply. Line disconnected

  "Shit. That is obviously a signal to Wells."

  "Or the shooter," PJ said.

  "Any ideal what it means?" Johnson asked.

  "Could be any one of several things," PJ answered.

  "Is he calling it off?"

  "One possibility. It could mean that the hit should take place in April. The flowers could be daisies."

  "Or it could mean to hold off until May. Shit, it could mean anything, or nothing. Maybe he expected us to figure he would contact Wells and it's all a smoke screen."

  "One things for sure. We have to get the Presidents travel plans this time. Our list helped but we need exact events to put with the cities. Shall we visit our old friend, Wilber," Ron said cheerily.

  They all moaned this time. Even Director Johnson.

  They discussed the transcript and talked about the various interpretations. They decided on the best

  approach they should use with Wainright this trip. It was decided that the Director seemed to anger him less than anyone, so he would do the talking. He was thrilled. They found themselves once again behind guarded doors waiting for Wainright.

  This guy is worse than me," PJ said.

  About that time Wainright came into the room along with the Chief of the Secret Service.

  "Gentlemen. I wish I could say it was nice to see you again. I hope you have something substantial this time."

  "Yes sir. Since we last talked we have made tremendous progress, in part due to your spurring us on," the Director said, hoping to butter him up some.

  "We have now confirmed that the President is the target. Wells and Tolbert are indeed in the US. If fact, they are working right out of Washington DC. We know they have the SILVER-2 and have used it on Judge Brooks. We have narrowed the possible locations to four cities. We need your help, sir."

  Wainright was taken back. His usual bluster momentarily side stepped.

  "Well, that is something, if what you say is true. How did you accomplish all of this since our last meeting?" he asked in a reasonable tone.

  "As I said, partly due to you. We knuckled down. Got a few breaks. The rest was just sweat equity."

  "What is the source?"

  "Zane Tolbert for the most part. PJ and Sean were able to run him to ground. They caught up with him just as he was leaving the country."

  "You have Tolbert?" he said surprised.

  "Had. We allowed him to go for reasons I'll explain later."

  "Let him go? This had better be good. According to you guys," he said sweeping his arm around the table, "He is responsible for not only JFK but half the country. And you let him go?"

  "I'll explain. What we really need from you is the travel plans and events that are on the President’s agenda. It is urgent that we get this information.”

  Wainright looked around the room and said at last, "You obtained the information illegally didn't you? You captured Tolbert, got the information Lord knows how, and then had let him go. Beautiful. Just beautiful. What makes you think that anything he said is the truth? Just because you beat it out of him?"

  "Sir, you are intentionally missing the point," the director said raising his voice for the first time.

  "First you didn't believe Wells and Tolbert were even in the States. You didn't buy the President was the target. Now you’re worried about the rights of a known assassin of Presidents. You sir, are obstructing the safety of the President of the United States and I, for one, am tired of it. We will drop this investigation right here in now. You have been given the information. The Secret Service has been informed. I will write up the fact that have been presented and they will be delivered to the office of the President this afternoon. I will not sit here and let you insult the integrity of these men any further. Either we proceed with your help, or we walk away and it's on your shoulders," the Director said and sat down.

  Wainright glared at the Director and said, "Don't you dare talk to me in that tone or I...."

  "You will do nothing. Just as you have done so far. If you think I am bluffing, ask any man in this room if they will not back me up 100 percent. That includes your own Chief of Security."

  Wainright was furious, but he knew they had him in a corner. He finally said, "You have never said, just exactly you want from my office, other than the travel plans. Is that all you want?"

  "Actually, no sir, it isn't. We want the travel plans along with the events, including time and place."

  "Anything else?"

  "Yes. Want to brief the President in person. He needs to hear it from us, as well as your staff. The agents in this room can answer any questions he may have better than anyone."

  Wainright didn't answer for a second then he said, "Alright, but I will warn you right now, if he doesn't buy this story, I will personally make your lives a living hell. All of you."

  "We are prepared to take that chance."

  "Not really, you just think you are. I'll get the President if he is available," he said and left the room.

  No one said anything but they all had smiles on their faces. A few minutes passed in silence before the door opened and in walked Calvin Richards, followed by Wainright and two other men. They all started to get up as he entered.

  "Don't get up gentlemen. Wilbur tells me you have some news that I need to hear from you directly. I do
n't have much time, so could we get right to the heart of the matter?"

  "Yes sir," the Director said. "Sir, I have to give you some background to make this all make sense."

  "Make it short Director."

  “Yes sir. In 1963 JKF was assassinated as we all know. The person that made the arrangements for that was Harmon Wells and Zane Tolbert. They went on to assassinate several of the country’s greatest men during 1963 to 1968. Wells and Tolbert have been living outside of the country ever since that time. They are back."

  The President sat forward in his chair, "Back? We have them?"

  "No sir, but we know they are here. Or were. Tolbert has gone back to the Cayman Islands where he lives. Wells is still here we think."

  "Then you must think I am the reason they are here," the President said more as a statement than a question.

  "Yes sir, we do. Our agents were able to capture Tolbert and question him. He confirmed the fact that Wells is in the States. They have been scouting possible kill zones. They have the shooter and the SILVER-2. This we know for fact. Mr. President we think you are in grave danger from this man."

  The President sat for a minute, "You know for a fact that Wells and Tolbert are responsible for the assassinations of the 60's?"

  "Yes sir. OPS3 has known it for over thirty years."

  "Doesn't surprise me. Anyone with an IQ above a carrot knows the Warren Commission Report was just smoke and mirrors. This SILVER-2. It's some sort of weapon isn't it? I read something about it some time ago."

  "Yes sir. It's the worlds most advanced rifle and Wells engineered its disappearance. He has it and has supplied the shooter with it."

  "And the shooter?"

  "We have been working on that for months. The F.B.I. has had the files on hundreds of ex-military snipers and has been tracking them down one at a time. We are down to two possible men. Both are unaccounted for still. We have been working on this nonstop and have combined the resources of both the F.B.I. and OPS3."

  "It must be serious for you boys to work together," he side smiling.

  "Yes sir. We sure think it is."

  "What do you need from this office?"

  "Well sir, we need your travel plans and all the details."

  "No problem. Wainright can supply that. What else?"

  "Paul?” the director said indicating PJ.

  "Sir, I'm Paul Matts. With OPS3. Could you tell us the significance of June 1st?"

  "June 1st?" the President said rubbing his chin.

  "Wilbur? I can't think of anything right off hand, can you?"

  "No sir. You have no appearances scheduled outside of the city on that date."

  "Is that the date you think this is all going to take place?"

  "Not necessarily. Tolbert said that it was the latest date to complete the contract. If we knew the significance of the date it may help."

  "Sorry I can't be of more help. I'll talk to the other staff members and see if it rings a bell. What else?"

  "Sir, we would like direct access to the Secret Service detail. It will insure that nothing drops through the cracks."

  "Well Wilbur? I know how you feel about that sort of thing, but this seems like an exception doesn't?"

  "I quite agree. I was going to suggest it if no one else did," he said straight faced.

  "Good. Good. What else?"

  "We obtained a list of possible cities. I'm sure we will find they are on your travel plans. Somehow, Wells got that list. That means someone is working from within the White House. You may have a tricky internal problem on your hands."

  It was real silent in the room while the significance of that statement sank in.

  "Yes. I understand what you're saying. I will have an immediate investigation started. This means they could know a great deal about my movements and such."

  "Yes sir, it does," PJ said. "We know that Talbert visited Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Phoenix. If he went to others, we were unable to confirm it. I take it you are scheduled to be in those places?"

  "Well, I don't exactly know for sure. Phoenix and Indianapolis definitely. Wilber, what about Cincinnati and Louisville?"

  "I will get them the full list, but the answer is yes, you are scheduled to be in those cities. I don't know the exact details but I will get them."

  "Could we do that now? It would be helpful so we can pick the Presidents brain while we have him present," the Director asked.

  "Alright," Wainright said.

  He spoke to one of the men who had followed them in. He immediately produced a paper.

  "It seems we have it here already so we won't have to wait. I don't need to remind you of the sensitivity of this information," Wainright said.

  "Oh hell Wilbur, how sensitive can it be if Wells and others already have what these guys need to protect me?" The President said.

  Wainright didn't move a muscle. He just looked straight ahead.

  "Thanks," PJ said looking the paper over. There are a lot of cities on this list that fall within the general area of the primary targets. Will you be visiting all of those as well?"

  "Good heavens no. The President is only scheduled to be at the ones with an asterisk next to them. The rest will receive a delegate to represent the President," Wainright answered for the President.

  "Ah. That clears up a lot. It helps us eliminate a ton of work. Now sir, the hard part. Can you or more precisely, will you drop the scheduled visitation?"

  "He most certainly cannot. They are extremely important to the image of the President, "Wainright answered again.

  "Excuse me. I was asking the President. Mr. President?"

  "Well, tell me what they are."

  Wainright was furious. If looks could kill, PJ was a dead man.

  PJ passed the list over to the President.

  He studied it a few minutes and said, "Maybe a couple of them. I will talk to my staff to be sure. I know Phoenix and Indianapolis are almost assuredly locked in. The others, while important, are not as critical. I know you would like me to cancel all of them. I don't blame you, but I can't just put my head in the sand and hide."

  "Yes sir. We are sorting out a new bit of information that we just obtained. We intercepted an advertisement placed in the Washington Post. It was from Zane Tolbert. We assume it dealt with the assassination and intended for Wells or the hit man," PJ said handing him a copy of the transcript.

  The President read it over.

  "What does it mean? I can read, but I'm not sure of the message."

  "Yes sir. Frankly neither are we. There are several explanations. Anyone is as good as the next. We all agree that he is relaying the message that he has been caught, let loose and that February is not a good time."

  "What happens in February?" the President asked Wainright.

  "NAACP Convention in Los Angles on the 6th. The 21st. is your UN address, and the 26th is the NOW Convention in Louisville."

  "Los Angles and New York aren't on your possible list are they?"

  "No sir. It doesn't mean it couldn't still be a target site, but it doesn't jive with what Tolbert told us."

  "That leaves Louisville and the NOW Convention on February 26th. It looks like the next date, considering the possible cities are Cincinnati and Phoenix. Both in April too."

  "Yes sir. The reference to April shower could well mean people's tears. And the May flowers..."

  "Yes, I get the drift. I would have my ass planted in the ground and pushing up flowers. Alright, I'll see what can be done. The only thing in May is in Indianapolis. It's late in the month. Do you think they would push it that close to this mythical June 1st date?"

  "I can't say for sure. If it were me,” PJ stopped quickly, “what I mean is..."

  "Don't worry about protocol this late in the game. Just tell it like it is son," the President said.

  "Yes sir. I would try for an earlier date and use that as my last ditch effort."

  "I agree," Ron Neilson said. "PJ is very good at this sort of thing sir. I
think PJ is right on target when he says the primary date is in April. May would be the last resort location."

  "Last resort or not, I cannot call off the Indianapolis visit. I am the first President to start the race. I gave my word almost a year ago. You all know I'm from that state, so it is impossible for me to back out. You will just have to make sure this assassin is stopped before that date."

  No one said anything. At last the Director asked, "And the other visits?"

  "I'll let you know. The Phoenix trip is on for sure. The Secret Security has a special plan for this golf outing isn't that so?" the President asked Terry Logsdon, his chief of Security.

  "Yes sir. We have a special team that is activated for just this type of event. It's been refined throughout the last few administrations and has never failed us," Terry answered.

  "We have never had a weapon like the SILVER-2 to contend with before, Terry. Can we be of any assistance?"

  "Sure. This is one time where I am willing to say 'the more the merrier'."

  Wainright immediately said, "I fully support that. Neilson, Johnson, you see that your men give Terry anything he needs."

  "Oh yes sir," they both responded.

  "What is the range of this thing?" the President asked.

  "9,000 feet," PJ answered.

  "Good God. That really opens up the kill zone doesn't it boys? Yes Terry, I would say the more help the better this time. Can this thing bring down a plane or helicopter?" he asked.

  "Well, sir that is a really good question. From what I understand, it is not what this weapon was intended to do. But if they hit the pilot then it would be effective."

  "You're sure?"

  "No sir, not 100 per cent, but I know where to get the answer."

  "I like your honesty son. Please find out the answer and relay it to Terry."

  "Yes sir," PJ said.

  "I need to go soon. I'll let you boys work on the details. Gentlemen, I do not want to get into the history books like this. I know you will all do your best to see it isn't so. I'll rethink my schedule and get you my final word before the week end. Now gentlemen, if you will excuse me. Wilber I want to see you immediately following this meeting."