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- Marshall Huffman
Page 19
"Yes sir, Mr. President."
He stood up and left the room. As soon as the door closed Wainright was on his feet.
"I told you to not pull this shit. Trying to get him to change his schedule. I am responsible for his image and I'll be damn if you morons are going to drag this Presidency down."
"He won't have a head, much less an image, if we don't get his cooperation," PJ said.
"You just get off your dead asses and get this guy Wells, and his accomplices. You got what you came after, the travel arrangements. Now get out of here and get to work."
With that Wainright made his usual exit. Leaving the door to be closed by the Marine guard.
"What an asswipe,” Ron said at last. PJ stared at him with his mouth open. Maybe there was hope for this guy after all.
"Terry, Sean and PJ will be working with you. Whatever you need just let them know."
"Will do. Don't worry guys, I know the risk and I appreciate your shoving this down Wainright's throat. It would have been a lot harder for me to get to the President. No egos will get in the way from this side. I personally guarantee it."
"Thank you, but we know you're a good man. We knew you would react this way."
"What about a way to neutralize this thing. Has that been investigated?"
"Actually, yes. PJ and Sean started the guys at Unitech working on that as soon as it became apparent this thing could be used on the President or any other official. We are on our way to the lab this afternoon. Would you like to come along?"
"I wish I could. Wainright has a staff meeting scheduled for all afternoon."
"Alright then. We will get you a copy of what progress has been made."
The meeting broke up and the men went their separate ways.
"This just in. Vice President Robert Henson has been rushed to Bethesda Naval Hospital
for an undisclosed illness. According to reports his personal secretary found him slumped over his desk and immediately
summoned help. He was rushed to the hospital
within minutes. While we have no word on
the exact illness, a source at the hospital did say that it was not a heart problem.
The White House said that the Vice President has been working exceptionally hard and praised his leadership and efforts. A news conference has been scheduled for tomorrow morning to update the condition of
the popular Vice President.
JP and Sean noticed a dramatic increase in the security at Unitech when they arrived at the main gate. They were escorted to the office of Alex Zoll by two armed guards.
"Nice to see you Barbra," PJ said when then entered.
"Ah. The ever charming Mr. Matts. Sorry I can't say the same. Mr. Zoll is expecting you. I believe you know the way to barge in."
"I see that you have picked up some of my charm as well. We must be made for each other," PJ said as he opened the door to Alex's office.
"Mr. Matts. You have returned,” Alex said.
"Nice to see you too. I have Sean Parker from the F.B.I with me. Sean this is Alex Zoll."
"Nice to meet you sir," Sean said.
"Pleasure," Alex replied. "I have Dr. Wegeng and Dr. Foo waiting in the lab. They have been working on countermeasures to the SILVER-2. They have made some progress but how much and how well it works, remains to be seen. If you would care to join them I will show you the way."
"I know the way. We can just run along," PJ said.
"I'm afraid not Mr. Matts. Every visitor is escorted through the building. Either with one of the guard teams or a senior employee."
"No problem. If you would lead on, we will follow in your footsteps."
"You are indeed a strange person," Alex said leading the way.
They arrived at the lab shortly. Along the way, PJ observed several new monitors stationed along each hallway in overlapping patterns. Security has been upgraded indeed.
Upon entering the lab Alex said, "Dr. Wegeng, Dr. Foo, you know Mr. Matts from Government Security. This is Sean Parker, I believe that's right, from the F.B.I."
They shook hands and Dr. Wegeng began.
"As you can see we have developed another SILVER model. SILVER-2B is its designation. We decided to not call it SILVER-3 because we did not incorporate the new developments we’re planning. We wanted to duplicate as close as possible its predecessor so that we could find its weakness."
He led them over to a test stand with the SILVER-2B mounted in place. Now Mr. Matts and Mr. Parker, if you will look through the scope at the target you will see a display giving the distance in feet."
PJ and Sean looked through the scope. The LED distance to target read 26.0 feet.
“As you can see it is exactly 26 feet to the target. In front of the target we have erected a field or distortion barrier, if you will. Dr. Foo will now activate it. Doctor, if you would?"
Dr. Foo pressed a switch and a motor whine became noticeable. It was low pitched at first and got higher, soon it was out of the ability to hear range. Now Mr. Matts, if you will check the scope and read off the distance to the target please," Dr. Wegeng said.
"PJ looked through the scope and read out 22.5 feet. “Wow. The target is reading three and a half feet closer."
"Essentially that is correct. While we can't see it with our eyes the field is extending out from the target and the Doppler reads the field rather than the target."
"So if I was to pull the trigger, nothing would happen?"
"Well actually everything would happen according to the readings. The impulse beam would discharge but the CRC would disrupt the energy at 22.5 feet. In effect the target would be safe."
"Unless it was set on automatic," Dr. Foo added.
"Yes. Yes. I was talking about manual."
"What would have happened if it was on automatic?" Sean asked.
"You don't want to know," PJ said.
"Mr. Matts may be right. To answer your question, the target would be evaporated along with anything in its path for up to 9000 feet. Would you like to see a demonstration?"
"Good idea. Could you video it? The Secret Service needs to see this as well."
"Mr. Zoll?" Dr. Wegeng's asked.
"Well, I'm not too thrilled with the ideal but I can see the value of showing them what they are up against. I guess it would be alright. Dr. Wegeng, use the E-11 video system if you would."
"Dr. Foo, if you would turn on the machine and start the E-11 please," Dr. Wegeng said.
He went to the SILVER-2B and checked the settings. The reading was again at 26.0 feet.
He aimed carefully and depressed the firing mechanism. When he seemed satisfied he released the button. The target, a mannequin filled with water, disappeared. A slight mist permeated the room.
"Jesus," Sean exclaimed.
"May He be merciful," Dr. Wegeng added.
The SILVER had made a slight hissing after discharge and the target had made a slightly louder sound. Sort of like being smacked with a wet towel.
"Why didn't it go on through the building and not quit until the 9,000 foot range?" Sean asked.
"We had it set on manual for this test.” Dr. Foo said.
"Now, here is what happens with the distance distortion activator on," Dr. Wegeng said rolling mannequin in place with the help of the overhead rail.
He looked through the scope and set the distance. Dr. Foo activated the field. When he was ready he released the button. Nothing happened but the hiss from the SILVER.
"Did it fire?" Sean asked.
"Oh my yes."
"Nothing happened."
"Yes it did, it’s just that the CRC told it the range was 22.5 feet and that's all the farther it needed to go."
"This is great guys. This just may save our ass. Well, the Presidents ass actually," PJ said excitedly. When can this be ready?"
"Ah, actually, it still has some bugs that need to be worked out. This is a very small model and it
requires a lot of power. We would need to build a much bigger one. The cost will be high and it will take a tremendous amount of time."
"Look, cost isn't the object here. Can it be done?"
"You are wrong about that PJ," Zoll said. "This is a private company and funding comes through the budgeting process. We may not like it, but it is a fact that must be considered."
"Alright, let's not get sidetracked. If you get the necessary funding, how long?"
"Three to six months," Zoll said.
"Six months," PJ exclaimed. "I got news for you, you'll be adding a new President to the list in three months if we don't get this guy. It has to be developed sooner."
"What time frame are you working under?" Zoll said.
"Weeks. Maybe six to eight. Look, whatever it takes you'll get the money. You just get it done."
"Alright Mr. Matts. We will start to work on it. We have some research funds still available that I can divert for the time being. But I warn you, when those run out; you had best have more funds at our disposal. It's vital or other work will be stopped as well."
"You got it Alex. I'll have our agency call you and work out the details. I wouldn't know the first thing about that stuff."
"Man, that's some weapon," Sean said to no one in particular.
"Yes, it surely is," Zoll said. "Dr. Wegeng, if you would give them the video DVD. I need to be on my way to the test firing of another weapon we have developed. PJ, Sean. Don't forget the funding," he said as he went through the door.
"Can you get the bigger field done on time?" PJ asked Dr. Wegeng.
"Oh, I should think so. I've spent quite a bit of time thinking of what it would take to stop this thing so I can make changes to the SILVER-3 we have started working on."
"Oh great. An even better doomsday weapon. Good idea Doctor," PJ said rolling his eyes.
"We think so," he said cheerily.
He handed the tape over to PJ, "The E-11 process is our development. You cannot record this DVD. It will sense it immediately and self-erase. It can be shown only one time as well. It erases as it plays. Make sure you have everyone around when you want to show it."
"Zoll's a real trusting guy."
"Probably as much as you are Mr. Matts," Dr. Wegeng said.
They called Ron Neilson and Director Johnson and had them arrange a quick meeting to view the DVD.
The agents seated around the table were from OPS3, The F.B.I and The Secret Service. They watched as the picture flickered across the screen. When it was done, no one said a word. It was dead silent in the room.
"Well," Ron said at last. "Now we know what we're up against."
"One of the agents said, "I think I liked it better when I was just imagining what this thing was like."
"Hear, Hear," another offered.
"Get the First Lady and have her meet me and Wainright in my office immediately," the President said into the intercom.
"Yes Sir. Right away, sir."
Wainright knocked on the door and was shown into the room immediately. Harriett stormed into the room a few minutes later.
"Don't you dare send for me like a common tart. I will be at any meeting I want, whenever I want, buster," she said.
"Oh don't start that shit again. I'm not in the mood for it."
She started to say something then decided to just let things play out.
"Alright. I'm here. What is so important?"
"Someone knows of our plans. Wilber and I have just left a meeting with the F.B.I. and OPS3. They have uncovered a plot to have me assassinated."
The words hung in the air.
"What is it that they know? Exactly?" she asked at last.
He went on to brief her on what he had just been told. She listened without interrupting.
"But they don't know the significance of June 1st?"
"No. Or at least they are acting like they don't. They just asked me why that would be important to the dateline."
"Timeline," Wainright corrected.
"How? How in the hell did someone find out? It had to have come from one of your offices," Harriett said.
"Don't be too sure. It could have been anyone of our offices," Wainright said.
"Not mine. No one would dare to try it in my office."
"That isn't the issue. We need to decide what to do next. Do we just drop the plan or what?" the President said.
"Drop the plan?" Harriett shrieked, "Are you out of your mind? We are not dropping the plan. It's far too late for that. In case you haven't heard, Robert is in the hospital. It happened just a short while ago."
"Yes. Yes. I know that, but it doesn't mean we can't rethink this. You can't force a bad decision."
"That's a laugh, coming from you. It's never stopped you before. Anyway we are not going to change horses in the middle of the stream."
"I am going to cancel my travel plans. At least some of them. Wilber, I don't intend to argue about this, understand?"
Wainright didn't say anything but just looked at Harriett.
"Which ones?" Harriett demanded.
"I not going to the NOW convention in Louisville, the Human Rights Conference in Chicago or the Governors Convention in Cincinnati," the President said.
"The NOW Convention is too important to back out of. I don't give a rat’s ass about the others, but we need to attend that convention," Harriett said.
"I agree Mr. President. It is too important to pass over," Wilber said.
"Listen to me, both of you. I will not budge on this. It's out. You find the reason. I am not about to get my ass shot off over a bunch of militant women with ball's instead of tits. That's final."
"You’re pathetic. You don't even know if this is for real and already you’re sticking your head in the sand."
"Go in my place. I don't care. I am not going. You can make whatever plans you want."
"What about the rest of the schedule?" Wainright wanted to know.
"We will still do Phoenix. That commitment was made as a campaign promise. You did as well Harriett."
"So what makes you feel any safer there?"
He went through the discussion that had taken place earlier, and the Secret Services preparations.
"I am considering dropping the Indianapolis 500 thing as well,” he told them.
"No way. Calvin you just can't. That event has one of the largest followings in the world. We had to call in I don't know how many markers, to get this done. I really think we need this exposure. You're from Indiana. You must attend."
"She is right sir. This has been in the works since your early days in office. That would be a real set back if we lost this opportunity."
"I don't know. I don't feel very good about this. I think I should just stay off the trail until after our June 1st date. Keep in mind. If something happens to me you will both be out on your ear. Got it? It would all end right then and there."
"Look Calvin, I know the risk, and believe me, I don't want anything to happen to you, but I would rather give up the Phoenix outing than the Indianapolis 500. It is just too big to pass up."
"I'll think about it. Don't push me on this. Let me think it over," he finally said.
"What do we do from here on?" Wilber asked.
They spent the next hour in closed discussion.
Giovanni made the drive from Indianapolis to Louisville on I-65 without incident. He went to the downtown Days Inn and checked in. He called several local book stores until he located one that carried the Washington Post. He got directions and within a short time was reading the classified ads.
It was apparent that Zane had been picked up and questioned. They probably knew about all of the cities that were targeted. The reference to April meant that he had sent the FBI in that direction. May was as protected as he could make it. It was not a good sign. He was going to have to make some hard decisions. The fact that the advertisement was even in the pap
er was bad.
He had been checking the Post every day and had just about decided it was a clear field. Now, they had been compromised. He had the option of calling the whole thing off at this point if he wanted. He would still receive half the money.
Giovanni immediately dismissed the idea. He had never given up on a mission before and the biggest in his life wasn't about to be the first. He would checkout Louisville and see what he could come up with. If it didn't look good he would immediately head back to Indianapolis and set up the shot there.
He went back to the motel and reviewed his notes then began checking out each of the sites listed. It was getting late by the time he was finished. On his way back to the motel he noticed an abandoned building that was rundown and had been condemned. A sign in the front proclaimed that this was to be the site of a new bank building. He decided to check it out further. His notes had mentioned the place and mentioned that it was being used by homeless people.
He parked the car and walked around the building. He found a place where the fence had been pulled away. He scampered under the fence and quickly made his way to the building.
Plywood had been placed over the doors and windows but upon closer inspection he could see that one sheet of plywood was just leaning in place. He pulled it back and entered the building. It was dark with only a small amount of background lighting coming through the opening. He waited for his eyes to adjust.
The odor alone told him that people were using the place. The smell rotting food, urine and excrement immediately filled his nostrils. Nice place to live he thought.
He decided that he was going to need the proper equipment to be able to thoroughly check out the building. He felt his way outside and leaned the plywood back in place. He returned to his truck and headed for one of the malls he had found earlier while surveying the city.
Finding the coveralls was little trouble but it took longer to locate a hard hat. He bought a stencil lettering set and some ink. His next stop was to a hardware store where he bought several tools, a utility belt and a clip board.
He then drove back to the motel where he stenciled Louisville City Building Inspector on the back of the overhauls in large letters and a smaller version above the brim of the hard hat. He filled the utility belt with the tools he had purchased. He was set for tomorrow.