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- Marshall Huffman
Page 5
This is about God and Country. This is about the destiny of America. What I want from each of you is conformation that you are either in or out. It's really that simple. Each of you has knowledge of my background and knows that I represent the ultimate solution. It's time for you to saddle up and ride on, or get out while you still can."
Silence hung in the air like mist on a cold autumn morning. No one spoke or even breathed deeply. The host looked at each man for several seconds before going on.
"Tim, I would like to start with you. I realize this is sort of a formality, but never the less, you still have the option of saying no."
"Nothing I have seen in the past year has changed my mind. If anything I am more committed to this course of action than when we first talked about it. This is not a case of a bitter man who couldn't get the right man elected to the White House. Hell, I've spent millions and millions over the years trying to get the right guy elected. You win some, you lose some.
No, this is about what is right for the country. I will not sit around and let this country be slowly relegated to a moral-less pit of human degradation. It has become far too apparent that every radical element in the US has a friend in the White House. This it is only going to get worse. It has got to stop. I came to you because of what I had learned about the administration’s latest plan to dominate and manipulate the country. I will not stand by and just let it happen. I am totally committed gentlemen," Tim told them and sat back in his chair.
"Alright Tim. I just wanted us all to hear it from you again."
"Mike. What do you say?"
Mike looked around at each man in the room and stood up. He fixed himself a drink and sat on the arm of his chair.
"You all know I am a man of few words. My word has always been my bond. I will not let America become a Sodom and Gomorrah. During these past two years I have seen the steady moral decline. I will do everything within my power to see that it stops. I don't care how, only that it does. I'm in."
Mike finished his drink and again looked at each man. The host let the silence hang a few second before continuing.
"Linden, you have a much bigger part. One that is of far greater risk. What do you say?"
"Hell guys. I wouldn't even be here if I didn't think we were doing the right thing. Just by coming here, I could fall under suspicion. I knew the first time I listened that I could become implicated. Well, here I am. I know you need me to deliver as well. Robert Henderson is one of the keys to the success of this mission. I have to deliver Robert. I'll make no bones about it. It will be a tough job. Rob is a deeply religious man and may not see things exactly as we do but he is also a devoted American. It will take all my influential powers to get him to see our way but I think I am up to the task. I refuse to stand by for the next decade and let this country go to hell in a handcart. When I got on the plane to come to this meeting I was committed. You can bet your family jewels, I'm in."
The host mixed himself a drink and turned to them and said, "That just leaves me I suppose. First, let me say I would rather find an alternative method to what needs to be done to correct the direction of the country. I can't think of one, and I can assure you I have given it considerable thought. You all know of my involvement in the 60's. You already know that I am the key figure in the chain of events that changed the course of the country.
The moral decay that the country was headed for at that time was not much different than what I see taking place today. History will eventually reveal the truth. Once the Kennedy myth is stripped away, the real facts will be known about the man. That whole clan was going to tear the country apart, given enough time. The association I represented decided to intervene and the rest is history, as they say. So here I am again. I have come full circle. This time I have done more homework. Unlike last time where I rushed into the situation without checking it out.
I agree with Linden, Robert Henderson is indeed the man to lead this country back to its greatness. I failed to consider this in '63 and may have done more harm than good. I can't change that now. One day I will have to stand before God in judgment for my actions. I am not afraid. I have been committed to this since I first looked into what was taking place in America after my departure. Gentlemen, unless anyone wants to change their minds, we go forward. From this point on you will have enough knowledge to jeopardize our lives, as well as your own. Last chance," he said waiting for each man to acknowledge the situation.
No one said a word.
"Alright then, here is what we each have to do next," he said.
"The operation will be called 'Elijah'. As in first Kings, God sent Elijah to rid the country of the wicked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. We are going to rid our land of our own immoral leadership. Their current plan is too diabolic, it must be stopped. As before, the self-proclaimed King must be struck down. Tim and Mike, you each need to make arrangements to get me the first two hundred thousand dollars for expenses. That's two hundred from each of you, understood?"
They nodded agreement.
"I will need it have it as soon as possible. What kind of time frame do you need?"
"Friday of this week soon enough," Tim said.
"That would be fine. Mike?"
"Sure, Friday is okay by me. How do you want it and where?"
"In cash. Hundred's would be best. I will pick up the money in Rio. You both have holdings there and that should be easy for you to arrange without getting personally involved."
"Rio it is then," Tim replied.
"I will then take the money to the Cayman Islands and set up a corporation. The four hundred thousand will get things started. The banks there are very discreet. Better than in Switzerland now days. I will need the rest of the money within the following two weeks. Will that give you enough time?"
"Sure, you can have it sooner if you need it," Mike assured him.
"No, two weeks will be fine. You will be able to make a deposit through your other holdings however you see fit at that time. Any questions?"
Tim said, "We will need the name of the corporation and the account number obviously."
"The name of the corporation will be Giland International. It was from Giland that God sent Elijah. I will have the account number for you when I open the corporation in Rio."
"Works for me," Mike said.
"Linden, you need to start working on Robert as soon as you get back. As you said, he is one of the keys to the success of Operation Elijah. You need to plant the seed and let him nurture it along. We all realize the risk your taking. Other than myself, you have the highest exposure. Can we do anything to help you with this matter?" the host asked.
"Not really. It will not be easy, as you well know, but I have been helping him travel up in the political mainstream for most of his life. If he can be convinced to go along with us, I am the person best suited to do it. He is a good and decent man and I feel he is the way to get the country back on track. The sooner we know his intentions, the better it will be for the success of the operation. I'll let you know if I need anything. I can tell you this; it will not be about money for Rob. If he goes along it will be because he is convinced it is ‘right'," Linden replied.
"When do you think you can see him?"
"I'll call his office first thing after I return. Rob knows I only call when I think it’s really important. He will make time for his old friend."
"Good. Good. Tim. Mike. I will fly to Rio on Thursday. I will give you the name of the hotel and the name I am registered under to you so that you can have your men meet me with the money. I will use a different hotel for each meeting. I will be actually staying at a third hotel. I know your men are totally trustworthy, but let’s face it, two hundred thousand is a lot of money and Rio is Rio after all."
"Yes, Rio is Rio," Tim agreed.
"Well that is about it for now. I will not burden you with the arrangements I have made so far except to tell you the plan is solid and the events from this point on will be picking up in pace. Any questions befo
re we all get to work?"
"Do we need to meet again?" Tim asked.
"Humm. I suppose one more time, just to make sure we are on track, wouldn't be a bad idea. Let’s say two months from today. We will meet in Zermatt, Switzerland. I have holdings there so security will not be a problem. Anything further? No? Alright then, we meet in one month."
Linden drove the men back to their individual hotels. Little was said in the car as each man pondered his role in the plot unfolding. Each was aware to the risk they had committed themselves to. The risk of losing everything if they were implicated in the conspiracy would be their fate.
Each man made his way back to the US feeling he was doing what he must for the good of the country. Each felt that the risk of doing nothing was far greater.
"Linden Schranz is on the line for you sir. He said it was urgent he spoke with you. Do you want me to put him through or take a message?" the soft voice said over the intercom.
"No, no. Tell him I'll be right with him as soon as I get off the other line," Robert said in the general direction of the intercom.
"Yes sir. He's on line three."
"Look, Jerry I need to go. I have an urgent call on the other line. I'll get back to you later this afternoon," he said and switched to line three.
"Hi ya Lin. So what has you so stirred up today?"
"Rob, we need to talk. I need to have a very private conversation with you just as soon as you can arrange it in your schedule. It's important," Linden said.
"Hum...well, tomorrow afternoon looks good. How is that for you?"
"You just name the time. I'll make sure I'm available."
"Hey Lin, are you alright. You seem really uptight. Anything I can do for you right now?"
"No. Just make sure you make it tomorrow. What time?"
"How about 2:00 P.M. How much time do you need?" Robert asked.
"As much as you can spare."
"Alright Lin. How about meeting at Dominique's Restaurant?"
"No. It's far to public. Let's meet at the Randolph House. I'll arrange a private room."
"Okay old friend. Just stay cool. Nothing can be that serious."
"You’re wrong about that Rob. See you tomorrow," Linden said and hung up. That should put him in the right frame of mind he thought to himself.
"Martha, block out 1:45 P.M. till 4:00 P.M. tomorrow will ya? I'll be out for a meeting."
"Who and where shall I put down?"
"I'll be meeting Jeremiah Honn at Dominique's," he lied.
Robert returned to his agenda for the day. He couldn't help but wonder what had his old friend so worked up.
At about the same time, the host from Milan was flying towards Rio. He arrived without incident and immediately checked in to the Intercontinental Hotel.
After having his clothes sent to the room he left and shortly checked into the Americana Hotel under a different name. Soon after, he checked in to a third Hotel under yet another name.
He called the numbers he had been given by Tim and Mike and made arrangements to meet the couriers the following day at the different hotels. He made arrangements for a private jet to fly him to the Cayman Islands as well.
He went back to the original hotel and took a shower and had an early dinner, by Rio standards. He was back in the room and was fast asleep by 11:00 P.M. Almost a civil offense in that city.
Early the next day he left and returned to the Americana. At 10:00 A.M. the courier arrived with a metal brief case, like camera gear is often carried in.
The exchange was uneventful and went quickly. Within a few minutes he was checking out of the room and on his way to the second hotel rendezvous. Shortly after reaching his room a man knocked on the door and the exchange was made in seconds. Again he checked out and left.
He returned to the Intercontinental, packed and paid for the room with cash. He took a taxi to the private airport of Camden and found the pilot he had hired for the flight to Grand Cayman. Within a short time they departed and the trip was a breeze, if somewhat boring.
Upon arrival he paid the pilot and went through the formality of customs in minutes. No one asked to see what was in the two metal cases he was carrying. He left his other bags and carried the metal cases out of the terminal and turned left and walked the three hundred yards down the sidewalk and across the street to the car rental agency.
Unlike the States, the rental agencies do not have locations right inside the terminal. It was a clear and cloudless day and was just starting to heat up. He was sweating lightly by the time he reached the door to the agency. As he entered a pretty young woman looked up.
"Hi, can I help you?"
"I sure hope so. I have a jeep reserved. Piccard. Jon L. Piccard."
Life is good if you have fun.
"Oh yes, Mr. Piccard. Actually it's a Rocky, not a jeep."
"Yes. Whatever."
"If you will just fill out this paper for your temporary driver’s license, I'll get you on your way."
He dutifully filled out the papers and signed in all the indicated places. Several other people came in as he was winding up.
"A flight must have just arrived," he mentioned to the pretty girl.
"Yep. You can always tell. They come dragging their luggage, mostly diving equipment, across the way every time a flight arrives," she confirmed.
"Here you go," she said handing him the keys, "Do you know how to get the top up and down? I'll be glad to show you," she said looking at him hopefully.
"I sure do my dear, but thank you for offering."
"It's the red one parked just out front; the plate number is on the key tag."
It was obvious he was not interested in her advance.
"Remember to drive on the left here on the island," she said as he headed out the door.
"Will do," he replied and left. He went out and found the Rocky. They were almost all red or white. Few other colors seemed to have been made, or at least found their way to the Cayman Islands, he thought to himself. He started the Rocky and went over to the airport and retrieved his remaining luggage.
Within minutes he was headed north, away from Georgetown, the main village on the island. He followed the cost road to Rum Point. The road was rough, but mostly well maintained. The trip took close to 45 minutes as he had anticipated. He arrived well before his scheduled meeting. He wanted to have plenty of time to look the place over.
He was sure nothing, or no one, was interested in him but he never underestimated the opposition. He watched the general comings and goings for over an hour before he decided to go into the bar which is the only real attraction of Rum Point. It was dark, cool and noisy inside. It was always like this every time he came here. He often wondered where all the people came from. It was so far from any real town and it was definitely not your typical tourist bar.
He ordered a Corona, with lime, and walked to the water’s edge. He walked west for a short distance and sat down on one of the chairs that line the beach. From here he could see everyone that came and went. He nursed the beer and kept tabs on the blur of action going on up and down the small beach area. Nothing looked out of place. A short time later, a Jeep, with a 'Just Jeeps' sticker, pulled in to the parking lot. Calling it a parking lot was being generous. It was just a hard packed area of sand really.
A tall man with graying blond hair got out, looked around and went into the bar. A few seconds later he reappeared and headed to where the man traveling as Piccard was setting.
"Well Zane, it's nice to see you again," the man said, by way of greeting.
"It remains to be seen if it's nice to see you old friend. Whenever you show up, it usually means trouble. What brings you here this time?"
"Zane, is that any way to talk to the man who made all this possible for you?"
"Yes I know. I have money because of you, but it doesn't mean I'm happy to see you."
"Fair enough. I'll get right to the point. I have need for y
our talents again."
"Damn. I knew it," Zane spit out.
"Easy. Just hear me out. After I have had my say, you can throw your tantrum. I can promise you, it is nothing like last time. Just listen will you?"
"Listen my ass. You here to pull me back into the dung infested world we vowed to get out of. This can't be good and I know it. I know you made me a fairly wealthy man. I know I am able to live here with plenty of money because of you, but that doesn't mean I have to ever get involved again."
"Zane, Zane, Zane. Don't freak out on me. You can walk away from this if you want to. I won't put any pressure on you, alright? Just listen to what I have to say. You're here. You’re smart enough to know this isn't a social visit, so cut the crap."
"I'll listen, but don't think for a minute that means I'm going along, understand?"
"Sure, sure. Zane, this will pay you enough to live the rest of your life here if you want or for that matter, almost any place else. I'm talking about one million dollars just for your part alone. You don't have to be involved like last time, I promise."
"A million bucks? Now I know it’s bad news. I don't want to get back into your world for any amount of money."
"Zane, it's not my world. It's our world. You may have been able to drop out here for now but someday you’re going to have to join civilization again."
"It's damned civilized here. I don't need this shit."
"Look, it's different this time. Your part will be purely advisory. No actual involvement. I give you my word."
"Don't. Don't tell me anymore. I need to think about this. You can always influence me. You always could. Let me have time to think about this. Okay?”
"I don't have much time Zane. I'll give you until tomorrow. I'll meet you at the blowholes at 1:00 P.M. I'll wait until 1:15 P.M., if you don't show; I'll be on my way. I have other fish to fry, Zane."